Wednesday, March 31, 2010

considering the air

Having a son with asthma makes me more cognizant of the air quality and kids outside during recess. Here are a few links that have helped me identify whether it is appropriate for my boy to be outside... at least in our area. or airmonitoring index
PDF of Recess Guidance for Schools

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Amber's first blog entry!

For my birthday, one of the things that I wanted was for Tyler to show me how to Blog. Last night I had my first lesson and today Tyler took some pictures of the kids. so here is my first post. ( I think that Tyler will still do most of the entries)

Camillle got a new dress today and was modeling it for her Dad.

Scott has caught on to saying 'cheese' when we take pictures of him now.

Tyler was playing with flashes

Sam loves his baby brother

Happy face

Friday, March 26, 2010

Mi Amor

A is for ambitious and able. She is so talented in the kitchen and everything she makes there is a masterpiece. She ambitiously teaches our children so many wonderful characteristics; hard work, sincerity, honesty, and so many other things.

M is for the greatest mother in the world. She handles 2 hours of sleep, 3 kids in diapers, an amazing schedule, and still has time and energy for a demanding husband.

B is for beautiful, in every way.

E is for energetic and empathetic. She is tough and thoughtful at the same time.

R is for responsible. She is a woman of her word. What she says, she does.

Happy birthday sweetheart! I love you, love you, love you!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

1 month ago

I had to post this even though it was taken 1 month ago (2/17), because Seth's so dang cute. Unfortunately he is in the thick of having RSV. Scotty is on the mend from it. But Seth is still smiling and happy when he's not coughing his lungs out. Poor little guy. As usual, please click on the picture to view it at original size. As an after thought, I am going to put some more shots on this post as well. Can't help it, sorry.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Went out a couple of weeks ago to the desert with Jason and his bird. Very cool.  Here's the slideshow. 
Remind me sometime to tell you about when I got my falconry license and Lynn Blodgett was my mentor.  It didn't last long and my mentor was really busy, but it was for the best... falconry really takes a lot of time and commitment.  But wonderful to watch.

Here is my fav of the bunch...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

facebook? is that thing still around?

so both of us deactivated our facebook accounts...  for me, I haven't missed it a bit.  I read today that facebook is doing a location thing now for all of its mobile users.  That way you know where your virtual compadres are at all times.  Kinda weird.  At any rate, it was a nice directory service to get back in contact with some people who we had simply lost contact with over the years, but that's about as far as it went.  I can see how it could be a good place to drum up some business (which every business now seems to have its own facebook account).  And that's such a nice thing for businesses, they get the publicity without any accountability.  They don't have to chat, don't have to respond... it's just like a free billboard for them.  In fact, that's kind of the way it was for me... a personal billboard.  Pretty much anyone who's in the right place or is a friend of a friend, can see your billboard.  I never really got into the ... "right now I'm eating a ham sandwich while getting my car inspected" thing... you know, the type of tweet service that informs the world of your selective status that second.
Well, I am rambling... and for now we're still blogging; albeit, minimally.