Thursday, September 3, 2009


Here are some pictures of Amber's hair now... or what's left of it ;) Actually it really does look nice... it was just a shock to Tyler at first.

Interested in the photo specs?
Subject has light from window on camera right and a flash at 1/8 power shot through a lumiquest snoot on camera left. For the shot with Scott, the snoot was taken off and the flash was set down to 1/32 power. Shot at 1/30th at f3.5 ISO 100 on Manual at WB 4000K


Diane said...

I love love love it! It's beautiful!

Jourdan said...

LOVE IT! Im not sure why men love the long hair thing, 'cause short hair is SO easy and fun! You look sassy Amber!

SkyTang said...

see honey, I told you it was cute. ;)

Stacy Henrie said...

Very cute, Amber. You're one of those people who look great with long or short hair. Love it.

Chelsea said...

I love it! It looks great on you! I love the small layers.

Amber said...

Very cute!