Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday Mornings

So having church at 1:00 is a mixed blessing... we don't have to race to get everyone up, showered, dressed, eaten and ready for church by 8:45. But we also have the nap-time dilemma where the two youngest can be really fidgety during sacrament meeting. We are very glad that our children enjoy going to church and we especially appreciate their teachers who care for them and teach them.
What to do with the time prior to church... The two oldest kids wanted to paint today. And I have dreams of sitting down with my kids and drawing/painting. So live the dream. We went to the internet and talked through the drawing process and different ideas. And then we looked at some examples of watercolors. We talked about the basics of using minimal water, dabbing the brush on the paper towel, and most of all, have a lot of fun! I think art really teaches kids to have patience with themselves and their work. It's creative, it's productive, and it's rewarding. And the kids did very well. Camille lasted just under an hour and Spencer just over an hour. Here's what we created.

Camille did a still life of a sippy cup on the right... and then just had some fun on the right side. Entitled "Sippy cup"

Spencer went for the mental picture and created this, with an explanation of the king and the princess with the sunlight being seen around the drawbridge. Entitled "Princess and King Castle"

Here is Tyler's first real attempt at a watercolor. Now we just need to get Amber and Sam involved in the fun. Entitled "Passionate about Mango"

1 comment:

brooke said...

you've got some great little artists!