Monday, December 14, 2009

holiday busy-ness

We haven't posted any pictures lately.  Between getting our holiday traditions underway and such, the blogging has taken a back seat.  So here are some pics of the kids...
AND as always, please click on the image for full size.  They are much cuter enlarged.


We're not quite sure what kind of creature this is, but she's a cutie.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

for a laugh

I'm not a big Adam Sandler fan, but I do like a few things he has done.  Here is one of them... from the movie "mixed nuts".  Don't know if I recommend the movie so much, but this is a funny part.  And for those who haven't seen the movie, Steve Martin's character (Philip) really has a crush on Cathryn.  And Adam Sandler's character is trying to get the goat of Philip by writing this melody for her. 

Thursday, November 26, 2009

pics to share

Scotty was wearing Daddy's old jacket.  There are only a couple of clothing items that have lasted that long, and this is one of them.

Day before Thanksgiving

Turkey Day

Cute Camille

Sam and cousin Sydney

Spence and cousin Garet
nice shot Amber! a smile and a coo.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

also from Day 11

Now that we are back home you can expect a few more pictures from us:)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 6

Seth loves his baby swing.  Sam and Scott love to see him in it and help it swing.
We forgot to give his weight and length.  He was 6 lbs. 12 oz. and almost 20 inch.
We are all SO happy to have him in our family and love every moment with him!
The reality of having 5 little ones hit us when we piled them in the family van and realized what a job that was.  And we only have 1 seat belt left.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Announcing Seth!

I have to say... babies are made in heaven. We sure are grateful that we have been blessed with this one. He sure is a sweetheart. He's doing so well. We are very excited for the other kids to meet him.
I am sitting in Amber's room here at the U Hosp watching the helicopters come and go. It is nice... and peaceful. The care here has been wonderful. We are super-thankful for Grandma and Grandpa Mower for managing the homefront while we spend this quality time with Seth. And we are grateful for Grandma and Grandpa Gerritsen who fed Daddy so well the past 2 days. Thanks for your visits. Hope you can enjoy the pictures. We wish all could be here to enjoy this with us.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

random stuff

a couple of things... one is a video that the kids want to submit to AFV, but we haven't yet.

Amber and I were catching the end of a couple of Halloween football games on Saturday night and saw the coach of WSU and thought... hmmm, this guy looks like he could be a singer ;)  So here is coach Paul Wulff of WSU Cougars and Freddie Mercury of Queen.  I don't believe they are related though ;)

See ya when the baby comes...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

a few shots

Just a few pictures for posterity sake.  Scott found Camille's glasses.  Sam loves to go to Paul's house and knock on his door or just sit on his steps.  Spence Scott riding Spence's bike home as Mommy walks down the street to meet her little ones.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

FHE in October

daddy was in charge of the activity tonight; thus we had a photo shoot with FUN being the theme. Everyone was very creative, especially Amber.

Oh, and I really don't like the way these pictures look compressed, so by all means, please click on each picture for a better view of them.

See Tyler's photo blog for details on the pictures.

Spence shot this one of Camille.