Thursday, July 26, 2007

post surgery day 1

If you click HERE
, you can see the pictures of Sam's current wound. Although it may look nasty, it is in good shape and is very clean. It's about 2x2.5 cm and about 1 cm deep. He was able to drink one ounce of his soy drink, so we now wait for an hour and increase his food.
This is a link regarding g-tubes, to give an idea of where the fistula developed (a hole between the stomach and the skin that had to be taken down).

Had we to do this over again, we never never would have done a g tube. An NG-tube (from nose to the stomach) would have been just fine for those 2 months Sam needed feeding. In fact some people we have talked to have done the NG tube for years and it was no big deal. So much for the opinion of some doctors. One thing we have learned through all of this is that our decisions for our children's health are just that, our decisions. The doctor can help influence those decisions, and there are times to turn over their care to a surgeon, but doctors' decisions often need to be challenged by the reason of the parents. ...more to say on this later, I am sure.

All that aside, Sam is looking great this morning... throughout the night he was still quite 'drugged-up' from the anesthesia. They had him on a little bit of supplemental O2. This morning (at 2am) they replaced his IV that came out over night. And this morning the wound care team should be here to change his stomach dressing. He no longer needs the supplemental oxygen.

Sam is smiling and in great spirits. We are trying to keep on top of his pain and assess when he needs to be medicated. Now it is a matter of keeping him infection free for a month or so in order for his wounds to heal.

Surgery report: they created another entrance line in his abdomen, took the stomach away from the muscle and skin, took a small portion of the stomach tissue away and sutured it up. Then they repaired the hole in the muscle tissue where the g-tube had been, cleaned up the old sutures, and decided to leave the skin tissue to close on it's own. They debrided the skin, and now it is a matter of daily dressings and keeping it clean.

We were really glad to have Dr. Downy as his surgeon.

And thanks again for all those who have prayed and fasted for Sam and watched Spencer and Camille for us.


brooke said...

We're glad the surgery went well. Sam and ya'll are in our prayers. We love you!! I wish I could be there to help with the kids. -Brooke and Justin

Suzie said...

Glad to hear things went well with the surgery and Sam is resting and doing well. You have all been in our prayers.
This blog is a wonderful idea and gift to all of us who love Sam!